How To Use Google Trends For SEO?

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Google Trends is a popular free tool that offers statistics and other information on specific search phrases on YouTube and Google. There are different reasons why it has become such a popular source for big data research and applications. It provides a platform for observing customers’ search information by providing rich statistics on search data. However, for any top digital marketing agency, Google Trends is simple to use, not only in terms of data collection but also in terms of comparison opportunities.

So, now, let’s understand what Google Trends is?

Google Trends is a free application that displays data and graphs on the popularity of specific Google and YouTube search phrases. It was first released in 2006, and the most recent version was released in May 2018.

Now, let’s look into 4 tips on how to use Google Trends in 2022.

1. Keyword Research

By typing a specific term in the search box on the homepage, you can conduct free keyword research on Google Trends. This searches Google’s most popular keywords by default, but you may alter it to search YouTube search data instead. The keyword research tool aids in the identification of keywords that are gaining in popularity and the avoidance of keywords that are dwindling in popularity.

2. Assists In Finding Relevant Keywords

What distinguishes Google Trends is its ability to suggest relevant terms that are currently gaining traction. This tool is helpful since it allows you to find better, more relevant keywords depending on your primary keyword. In addition, when you enter a search term on the homepage, the site displays a list of terms it thinks to be closely connected to your query.

3. Find Relevant Topics

You may utilize Google Trends to find relevant search phrases and find related themes for future material. Rather than displaying your search phrases, the Related table shows you more significant subjects that people are looking for. Of course, you’ll still need to focus on specific keywords for each topic you write about, but these suggestions can help you develop new and trending content ideas in the future.

4. Target By Location

The most basic use of Google Trends will be limited to keyword searches. You’ll also need to factor in your location for the best results. You can identify which regions and subregions need your products or services using local keyword trends, allowing you to tailor your SEO trends or strategy. You can use location filtering to zero in on the geographic areas where your products or services are in the highest demand.

Last Words

With the changing demands of today’s consumers and Google’s algorithm, we’ve arrived at a point when leveraging Google Trends data is more valuable than ever. If you’re prepared to roll up your sleeves and dig deeper beyond the basics, you’ll find unique insights that can help you boost your SEO significantly.

Are you looking for a top SEO agency that can help you get your website rank on the first page of Google search results? Connect with the team of Propel Guru who will tailor SEO tactics depending on your business requirements.

Ausaf Ahmed

Senior Project Delivery Manager

A passionate and enthusiastic senior digital marketing and sales specialist who is highly proficient in planning, implementing, managing the entire business-to-business sales and marketing process for selling the company’s advertising products and services. Having rich expertise and in-depth domain knowledge in the field of both sales and digital marketing, he ensures that he has a confident and winning attitude even during challenging business interactions.

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