11 Reasons Search Engine Marketing Can Give You Quality Leads

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Suppose you are an artist. You have created a beautiful painting at your home and want to show it to the world. Well, it won’t happen just like that, sitting at home and waiting for someone to come and see it. 

You need to reach out to the world, tell people about your painting, do some good marketing, and then wait and watch for the world to identify your fantastic art.

Well, that’s what SEM is all about in the digital marketing world.

SEM is leading to a significant change in digital marketing, providing various benefits to businesses to increase their brand visibility and thus enhance brand awareness in the market.

Today, in this blog, we will provide in-depth insight into Search Engine Marketing and how SEM could lead to quality leads for your business.

What is Search Engine Marketing?

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of digital marketing that involves promoting websites or web pages by increasing their visibility and ranking in search engine results pages.

11 reasons SEM can give you quality leads

A paid marketing campaign, such as those on Google and Bing, is called search engine marketing.

Advertising on search engines typically appears at the top or bottom of results pages, where advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their ad (pay-per-click).

Search engine marketing (SEM) also includes best search engine optimization (SEO), which improves the ranking of a website in organic search results by optimizing its content and structure. 

SEO aims to enhance website usability, build high-quality backlinks, and optimize website content over the long term. Many businesses make common SEO mistakes that kill content marketing.

The overall goal of any best search engine marketing company is always to increase its client’s online visibility, drive traffic to the company’s site, and generate leads and sales.

Reasons why SEM is Effective and can give you Quality Leads

Now, let us brief you on the top 11 reasons why SEM can give you quality leads.

  • Intent-driven

Search Engine Marketing provides you with the benefit of targeting a highly intent-driven audience. You are directly targeting your ads at people who are actively seeking your type of products or services.

As a result, the user already intends to buy your niche product, so if your ad appears, you’re already on your way to conversion.

  • Conversion-Focused

For any marketing campaign, SEM plays an important role in driving conversions.

Since paid ads are generally linked to sales pages or conversion-focused landing pages that funnel traffic through the sales funnel, paid ads are often linked to conversion-focused landing pages. 

A landing page is typically linked to a paid advertisement, not organic results.

Paid ads can really focus on a specific goal and conversions at the end of the funnel, whereas SEO can support brand awareness and top-of-funnel activity.

  • Boost Traffic

You will be shown to an audience that is actively searching for your product/service type if you bid on the right keywords and set an appropriate budget. 

Your ad will appear before organic results even if the consumer is in the research stage.

Many tools are available for finding out search queries for your website, such as Keyword Planner, Semrush, Spyfu, Wordstream, etc.

In this way, your website is able to attract relevant traffic.

  • Increase Brand Awareness

The headlines, descriptions, display URLs, and extension links of Google search ads (PPC) can include the advertiser’s brand name.

Due to their prominent placement at the top of Google search results, sponsored search engine ads help to raise brand awareness.

  • Targeting niches based on geography

Geographic targeting is one of the benefits of SEM. Advertising can be made in a variety of languages and displayed anywhere on the planet; you can choose a country, a city, or even a region.

  • You pay after you interact

Unlike social media marketing, you’ll only have to pay if someone clicks on your ad once it’s online. 

The liability is only imposed if someone takes action, so you have unrestricted exposure.

There will be no charge if no one clicks or takes any action, and awareness will still be established even if no one clicks. 

Therefore, search engine marketing offers a win-win situation as one of its monetary benefits.

  • Great for Local Marketing

Local marketers need SEM more than ever if they want to drive more traffic to their websites and convert those visitors into customers. 

The goal of local marketing is to connect regional businesses with the communities they serve.

The Local 3-Pack advertising package, launched by Google in 2016, gives local ads the top three spots in search results. 

Business owners can also generate actual foot traffic for their stores by using local SEM ads.

According to research, 75% of searchers who find local business information online end up visiting the store within 24 hours.

  • Result-driven

SEO and other forms of online marketing tend to be long-term strategies that produce web traffic over several months, whereas SEM produces results immediately. 

Among the fastest-to-launch traffic strategies is search engine marketing (SEM).

  • Consistent Traffic Source

The goal of each business is to maintain visibility and sales while also planning, forecasting, and budgeting. 

It is unfortunately common for traffic spikes and drops to occur without explanation. 

Using search ads can mitigate some of the chaos and help you control how much traffic comes to your site at any given time by generating consistent traffic for certain keywords.

  • Practicality is the key to search ads’ success

SEM can help to deliver instant visibility. As people want to get the required result as soon as possible, they will click on search ads quickly to get the desired results.

Search ads help the content to rank higher among all other results, bringing it to the first page. 

Many people don’t identify paid ads from organic results, so it becomes easier to get clicks.

  • Provides more Competitive Data

Your own customers cannot be the only ones you can gain insight into through SEM. You can also learn about your competition through SEM.

It is possible to increase your own campaign’s effectiveness and, in some cases, rank higher for the same keywords by comparing your competition’s ads and targeted keywords.

Bottom Line

Why SEM? Well, it’s the best!

Search engine marketing is a powerful tool to help businesses generate quality leads and achieve their marketing goals. 

By targeting relevant keywords, creating compelling ad copy, and optimizing landing pages, businesses can attract highly qualified leads actively searching for their products or services.

Are you someone looking to perform Search Engine Marketing for your business but need to understand where to start? Don’t worry; Propel Guru is here to help you out. 

Propel Guru is a digital marketing agency and one of the best search engine marketing companies, that provide SEO Consultancy Services to help businesses fulfill their business goals by increasing brand visibility and awareness. 

Feel free to reach out to us for any digital marketing. Don’t forget to follow us on all social media platforms, including YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to stay updated with new technology and trends.

Thank you for reading!

Ajay Dubedi

CEO & Founder

15+ years leading business operations and client management in the segments of digital marketing and CRM. Driven by test-driven development paradigms, and exceedingly collaborative across all disciplines (from stakeholders to product to design to development to users – and back again).

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