The Ultimate Guide To LinkedIn Ads For 2021

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Compared with other well-known social media channels, such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, LinkedIn stands out from the rest of social media as it is fine-tuned for professional and business purposes, making it much formal than others. There are many B2B marketers out there who use LinkedIn marketing to raise brand awareness and generate leads. Furthermore, LinkedIn is the largest platform for social interactions centered on business. If you’re looking to reach out to c-suite executives, provide educational content to marketers, or simply raise brand awareness, LinkedIn advertising is the way to go. 

Like other social media platforms, LinkedIn keeps its ad platform up-to-date to stay innovative. In this blog, we’ll go through the key points that every online social media marketing agency should be aware of to enhance ad effectiveness on LinkedIn.

Types Of LinkedIn Ad Campaign

Before we get into the objectives of LinkedIn advertising, let’s have a look at the different LinkedIn Ad types that are currently accessible on the platform. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, which must be considered when developing effective campaigns.

1. Sponsored Content

Sponsored content ads contain text with a single image, text with multiple photos in a set order, or text with a video to help you curate content in such a way it looks like organic content in your audience’s news feed. Due to their organic appearance, such types of ads are highly effective. Sponsored content ads fit seamlessly into a user’s news feed and support a high-quality user experience. They can be termed as a great starting point for creating top-of-funnel awareness among your audience. 

Source: LinkedIn

2. Sponsored Messaging

Taking advantage of messaging for LinkedIn marketing is one of the best ways to engage communication between your audiences. In this way, you can target those users who are interested in utilizing your products or services. Sponsored messaging in LinkedIn comes with two options: Message Ads and Conversation Ads. Designed to target messages sent through LinkedIn’s chat, Message Ads does not have any call-to-action button, whereas, Conversation Ads offer multiple call-to-action buttons in the message. 

Source: LinkedIn

3. Lead Gen Forms

Lead Gen Forms can be a refined approach to acquire more direct leads if your company seeks them. It simplifies the process of filling out a lead generation form by auto-filling key fields. It takes information from the user’s LinkedIn profile. Lead Gen Forms can be used with those already familiar with your brand or products and are likely to convert them into sales. There are a variety of Lead Gen Form fields to choose from.

Source: LinkedIn

3. Text And Dynamic Ads

These advertising are similar to PPC advertisements, but they are hosted on LinkedIn’s platform. Text Ads are identical, whereas Dynamic Ads, also known as Spotlight Ads, allow for personalization. These are text advertisements that encourage people to like and follow your company’s page. To regulate budgets, you can set PPC or CPM caps and choose whether to pay for clicks or impressions. These ads are best used for top-of-funnel campaigns to raise brand awareness significantly when increasing organic followers on your corporate page.

Source: LinkedIn

Objectives Of LinkedIn Ads

For assisting advertisers in building ad campaigns around their business goals, LinkedIn uses objective-based advertising. From awareness to conversion, a business can work through all three stages of the sales funnel. Therefore, there are three main types of LinkedIn Ads Objectives, which are explained below. 

  1. Consideration Ads On LinkedIn

If you want to qualify leads already familiar with your brand, you can opt for a consideration ad. These types of ads are optimized to assist advertisers to meet their goals. It will offer more eyeballs on their website or landing pages. Also, consideration ads will encourage more likes, shares, and comments. Further, it will enable users to share their business stories, day-in-the-life through video, and more. 

  1. Conversion Ads On LinkedIn

For generating leads and driving sales, one can consider conversion ads. It will help in gaining leads on LinkedIn with the help of pre-filled profile data. Also, conversion ads will attract more website visitors and urge them to download ebooks, purchase a product, or sign up for a newsletter. Not just this, such types of ads will even help in new hiring by making your audience aware of the latest job at the company. 

  1. Awareness Ads On LinkedIn

For spreading the word among the audience about your brand, go for an awareness ad. Such types of ads will get more audience to discuss your services, product, and brand. Also, awareness ads are an impression-based campaign that will allow your profile to gain followers, increase views on your post and enhance engagement. 

Nine Steps For Creating an Ad Campaign On LinkedIn

Step 1: Create your LinkedIn Page. It will allow you to create Sponsored Messaging Ads and Sponsored Content. 

Source: LinkedIn

Step 2: Log in or create an account in Campaign Manager, also known as LinkedIn’s ads manager. It will be home to all your advertising activities. 

Source: LinkedIn

Step 3: Choose your objective. 

Source: LinkedIn

Step 4: Select your target audience. 

Source: LinkedIn

Step 5: Choose an ad format for posting your campaign. 

Source: LinkedIn

Step 6: Provide campaign budget and schedule.

Source: LinkedIn

Step 7: Start creating your ad. If you choose Sponsored Content or Text Ads, the Campaign Manager will provide you previews so you can have a look at the appearance of your ad when it’s finished. Moreover, you’ll be able to send yourself a test message in the case of Message Ads.

Step 8: Add information for making payment. 

Source: LinkedIn

Step 9: Monitor and analyze the campaign’s performance in the campaign manager to see what works well and what changes need to be made based on various Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). 


LinkedIn marketing is one of the most effective ways for businesses to generate leads and raise brand recognition. The professional platform provides enough ad types to engage and promote content, allowing advertisers to reach their target audiences effectively and efficiently. However, moving along with the ever-changing digital marketing environment can be tedious. Also, careful planning is essential when it comes to social media advertising. 

Want to expand your network, save time, and drive more audience engagement with some powerful LinkedIn features? Get connected with Propel Guru and get the possible solutions for enhancing your presence in a professional network. 

Indrajeet Agrawal

Head of Business Development & Consultant

A successful sales leader, Indrajeet has effortlessly led teams to successful deliveries by redefining business promotion, lead generation, email marketing, and a series of out-of-the-box sales and marketing techniques. Ability to work independently and with cross-functional teams and facilitating truly agile processes while seeking iterative improvement.

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