How To Improve The Success Rate Of Your Business During Challenging Times?

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We haven’t ever imagined the situation like the current one in our wildest dreams, and the damage it would have done to us on a scale that is far beyond imagining. In the spiritual context, a situation is never good or bad; it is ‘as it is’ and depends wholly on the viewer’s perspective. Albeit the economy has got a terrific blow, it has greatly strengthened the bonds with our families, friends and relatives in this lockdown phase. 

Today, a big majority of businesses are at the edge of being shut down. Still, many businesses are supporting ‘work from homes’ and speedily advancing towards accomplishing their goals, irrespective of the current melancholy. 

Communication is no longer a hindrance in these times of digitization. Through video chats or calls via Zoom, Skype, or WhatsApp, we have formed a real connection with the physical world. Nowadays, a virtual link is the only way to see your co-workers reporting. That’s a commendable thing! 

If you look at your inbox, you would be surprised to see a multitude of COVID-19 related emails from the ones you’ve done business with, which is the result of digital communication. Estimates show that 1 in 15 mails are COVID related, though COVID related spam has grown to 14000%.

What’s the need of COVID-19 emails?

Everyone is sending emails related to the pandemic. Some are sending but without knowing the actual purpose; they are doing it because others are doing. Do you also fall in the same category? Do you want to be the one who follows the crowd, having a fold-over of your eyes? If yes, then it’s time to introspect. And, high time to take the steering wheel in your hands, and apply an immediate brake.

Suppose you run a shop of trousers and it’s been closed because it falls in the category of non-essential products. It’s entirely feasible for you to communicate promotional messages to your customers through email and to inform them so they can shop online. You will take all the necessary precautions to deliver their products, but it may take longer to deliver. 

On the contrary, if you start giving unnecessary advice like how they should wash their hands, what sanitizer to use, 1-meter distance apart protocol, or the guidelines formulated by WHO, then it is entirely unacceptable. Your customers will freak out because you are not the only ones who are saying all these things to them. News broadcasters and newspapers are enough to propagate that information. 

Today, buyers are becoming quite aware and intellectual in sensing the motive behind your tone of communication. So, it’s imperative to be a conscious and emphatic brand seller. With proper strategies and inspiration to stay safe, messages with appropriate strategies are ranked of high interest by 37% of customers as per recent research.

Which channel to use depends on your preference?

Understanding the preferences of the right channel is quite important. A multitude of companies prefers communication via email, about 83 percent of consumers, according to the Global Consumer Engagement study by Twilio. 

The same survey mentioned that consumers were 2.5 times more likely to prefer text messages over emails, depending on the urgency. The real mantra is understanding the urgency and ensuring it is aligned with a suitable channel. It is worth remembering that what seems urgent to you may not strike the same chord of urgency for your customers. 

If you are not running an essential business, then it’s appropriate to use emails for communication rather than texts and keeping the conversation more honest. 

Below are some points that can be used to write more authentic mails:

  • Be emphatic and genuine with your customers
  • Send your mails during regular business hours, so that you won’t disturb people while sleeping
  • Quite informative along with the things happening around
  • Giving information about product availability and product delivery

It’s a crucial time to empathize with others, instead of diving ourselves into clever marketing strategies. People’s stress and anxiety levels have already touched avalanche because businesses are falling apart. So, it’s essential to show our more human side to them and let honesty and humanity be our real assets in the business world. 

Remember to give your conscious attention to the customers because we don’t know when things will go to normal and how the future business will look. The time is now to create, discover, and foster some fantastic relationships. Your now will decide your reach in the future. 

I am also waiting to see how things will turn out. Till then, be safe with your family and friends because maybe after years you would be sitting and eating with your family together. This is the time to cherish and enjoy.

Find out how Propel Guru can help you with improving the success rate of your business during challenging times.

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