The Ultimate Guide To Motion Graphics

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Are you wondering whether motion graphics are the right choice for your visual content? Using motion graphics depends on several factors, including the target audience you want to reach and how you would like to communicate with them. Motion graphics, animated visuals are great ways to get a product to reach potential customers, along with a brand story that the brand’s creators are trying to promote. Top content marketing agencies worldwide are using motion graphics to grab the attention of their audience successfully.

In this blog, we will discuss what motion graphics are, key features, and most importantly, why you should use motion graphics in your content marketing.

Motion graphics is the ability to represent text or photos as videos in a more creative way. It is the type of technique that allows you to share your thoughts and ideas in a structured manner by creating engaging and exciting content. It can be displayed in an attractive style with text, images, sound effects, and music on the screen.  Motion charts would be an ideal choice for sketching or highlighting facts and illustrating an idea you are trying to shape. Motion graphics are used when no narrative or storytelling is required.

Let’s now take a look at some techniques of motion graphics that marketers can use to satisfy all their communication needs:

Traditional Ads: Motion graphics can be used in online videos or television commercials to showcase the products.

Promo videos: This category includes all editorial or promotional videos, e.g., B. viral videos, case studies, testimonials, and user reviews.

Explainer videos: Marketers can use motion graphics in explainer videos. This includes introductions to new products or services, business overviews,  and tutorials.

Social media videos: Social media videos are the most popular form of motion graphics used to target followers on social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, etc.

Key Features Of Motion Graphic Design

Time-consuming – A short 90-second motion graphics video can convey as much or more information as tedious text.

Engaging – A well-formatted motion design video is an attractive piece that your audience will likely watch entirely.

Easily Shareable – Can be easily shared via social media or other online ways. Short videos have taken over social media, and sharing them increases the reach of our content.

Cost and Time Effective – Compared to other animations and videos, Motion graphics are cheaper and easier to create than other animations and videos. It’s not very complicated and can easily be crafted in a short time.

Are Motion Graphics Right for You?

The short answer is ‘YES.’ When it comes to marketing, motion graphics can do wonders for your brand. It can help you take a brand or a product to the next level by giving it better recognition in front of the right audience.

Motion graphics are great for logos and text and can work well in single-shot explainer videos or grab attention quickly in a social media feed. Also, it can be the perfect introduction to using full animation in your productions. Various online graphic design companies utilize motion graphics to illustrate the text by adding some of the best visual design elements into a video.

Why Is Motion Graphics Design Important?

As 65% of people learn visually today and 90% of the information transmitted to our brains is visual, motion diagrams are an exceptional way for connecting with your audience and illustrate brand look, advertising, and marketing in an innovative way. But do these moving graphics still own an important role in social marketing in the long-term content era?

1. They Contribute To Long-Term Content – There is no denying the absolute fact that long-form content performs better when it comes to SEO. As per the statement by Merle Driver, animation head at Social Chain, a piece of long-form content is likely to perform better if it includes motion graphics. Using motion graphics in your social media marketing can also help drive more traffic to your website.

2. They Increase Engagement – Motion graphics are proven to be more engaging than anything else. According To Twitter, GIF Tweets See 55% More Engagement.

3. Helps Understand Complex Processes – Data is easier to understand and remember when presented in a visually appealing way. This is why motion graphics are used successfully to create videos around processes, data visualization, and abstract concepts.

Motion Graphics Software

Adobe PhotoShop – Adobe Photoshop stands out from other emotion graphics software as it makes it relatively easy to create beautiful Images, Graphics, Paintings, And 3D Artwork . With its growing popularity in digital imaging, it helps you create designs and graphics that can add more value to your work. Compared to other software, you will find that it has a more customizable user interface. You can create your own custom window layout fields or choose from custom workspace layouts such as web, graphics, 3D motion, and more.

Cinema 4D –  Whether you are a pro or a beginner, Cinema 4D software will help you create extraordinary artwork.  VFX or motion graphics is one of the best software that comes with a 42-day free trial when it comes to rendering. With several 3D applications out there, motion designers still opt for Cinema 4D as their first choice. It has a user-friendly interface compared to others. This means it is more compatible when accessing for the first time.

After Effects – It allows you to modify, animate and use media in 2D and 3D space. This means the 2D designs created in the software can be edited in such a way that they create motion graphics pieces. It’s designed for tasks such as character animation, titling, and much more. You can easily make or animate whatever you want using its node-based and timeline approach.

Adobe Illustrator – Adobe Illustrator software lets you use all the pre-installed tools for color adjustments, images, and text messages. You can even use it to create different images. The best part is that everything you make is in a vector picture, including magazine covers, logos and websites, and more. It is a sophisticated and powerful vector drawing tool that can help you create graphics for your motion designs.

Premiere Pro – It is one of the most famous motion graphics software with a robust feature set and nonlinear video editing interface.  With its plethora of tools, you can do a lot more than just video editing, be it adding sound, color, or more,  it has got you covered. To ensure that the interface is highly responsive, it is constantly being updated with various new enhancements to help you work comfortably with maximum efficiency and productivity.


Visual marketing is a proven way to increase engagement, boost traffic and ultimately increase profits. It can help you build a cohesive brand and get you recognized by new audiences when executed correctly. Marketers use Motion Design to provide the best graphic designing services and help increase consumers’ understanding of your brand. Aligning motion graphic videos with your goals and brand story can help you deliver a user experience like never before.

Pratibha Dubey

Digital Marketing Specialist

A self-motivated and passionate Digital Marketing Specialist who has a passion for learning more and unraveling the new digital marketing techniques. By communicating conscientiously to a team of differentiated specialists, she possesses excellent leadership skills. She is a collaborative individual who values the talent of those around her and knows how to enhance the work of others with a scope of improvement. She is a persistent problem solver who takes failures as an opportunity to grow.

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