5 Tips To Be A Confident Leader In Uncertain Situations

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In today’s challenging times, leaders are under intense pressure to help their employees not just survive, but more importantly, to thrive. If you, as a leader, want to know how you can be a confident and thoughtful leader in times of crisis, this blog is a must-read for you. 

There is no denying that not every great leader was born with all the leadership skills and knowledge of knowing everything. Instead, they learned through experience and inherited certain qualities and traits that made them more suitable for leadership and they then excelled on how to lead a team confidently during uncertain times.

In this blog, we’ll share some of the best tips on how you can be a great leader during crisis times

1. High Self-Esteem Is Essential

Self-esteem is defined as how much you appreciate and trust yourself. It is a feeling of competence, of being good at what you do, and is capable of achieving the results you need to accomplish as a leader.

As the saying goes, “The more you like yourself, the more confident you will be.”

To be a confident leader in the hours of crisis, the first habit that you need to practice to maintain a strong self-confidence is high self-esteem. People with high self-esteem feel good about themselves and have no problem with empowering others and encouraging them to be their best. 

A leader with low self-esteem can often be controlling and a micro-manager and someone who doesn’t invest in ways that promote growth and opportunities for others. Self-esteem is essential because the way you feel inside, the beliefs and ideas you have about yourself will give a better understanding of how you operate your team and business.

Ajay Dubedi, the CEO of Propel Guru, says: “The way you feel about yourself has everything to do with how you perform as an individual in your work and as a manager.”

2. Live Consistent With Your Values

It is often said that decision making becomes more manageable when your values are clear. With confident leadership, “voice” is your key to become a successful leader. You make decisions based on what you value the most. 

From the clients you collaborate with, your values are reflected in every aspect of your leadership style towards the people you hire.

Your values include your passions, principles, talents, and strengths. By defining your values, you determine what is most important to you. People who are unclear about what is essential to them go through tough times.

3. Practice Courageous Leadership

Another great way to build self-confidence for dealing with any situation is to practice courageous leadership skills continually. Courageous leaders can create a culture of trust and respect with their team members that make them feel valued and respected. 

Bold, confident leadership can help drive organizations forward and promote growth. Courageous leaders stick to their principles, innovate, take risks, make changes, and won’t walk away when times get tough, or things are difficult.

Being confident and courageous in taking the right risks for the right reasons puts you in the right direction towards achieving business goals or objectives.

4. Take Intelligent Risks

Improving risk analysis and assessment and then reducing those risks as much as possible as risk-taking is one of the bold steps that propel a company to achieve new heights.

Once you can deal with risks and carry out tasks smoothly, you will become more competent and maintain your self-confidence in uncertain situations. One of the very best ways to develop your ability to take intelligent risks is consciously and deliberately do the things you fear by taking one step at a time.

5. Acknowledge Your Shortcomings

Being a self-confident leader doesn’t mean you’re always right or even have to be right in the end. Leaders must be courageous, but they also need to be open to the idea that they could be wrong. Many leaders eventually fail because they refuse to question their assumptions or conclusions.

Owning up to mistakes and accepting your flaws is an integral part of leadership. By exposing your weaknesses and failures to others, you strengthen your character and also improve your humility. 

As a leader, you need to motivate, not intimidate. It’s crucial that your employees can count on you to accept their faults and support them through all difficulties. You can achieve this by revealing your shortcomings, discovering your team member’s weaknesses, and then figuring out how to fix them.

All in all, a great leader is a person who comes forward to embrace risks, recognize challenges, and lead with confidence. To be a great leader in difficult times, you need to work on your self-esteem and confidence. If you don’t believe in yourself, then you can’t expect others to believe in you. Next, you need to push yourself to be precise and bold with your decision-making processes.

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Ajay Dubedi

CEO & Founder

15+ years leading business operations and client management in the segments of digital marketing and CRM. Driven by test-driven development paradigms, and exceedingly collaborative across all disciplines (from stakeholders to product to design to development to users – and back again).

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