Common SEO Mistakes That Are Killing Your Content Marketing

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Content marketing is more crucial than it has ever been. According to recent statistics, B2B organizations that use the content as a marketing strategy produce 67% more leads than those that don’t. Writing fantastic content that no one sees, on the other hand, will not take you very far. That’s why SEO is so important: it helps you get the appropriate content in front of the right people. Knowing what content resonates with viewers helps us determine the ROI of marketing operations as we tweak our KPIs.

According to research, 89 percent of B2B marketers use the content as their primary marketing medium. While content marketing has numerous advantages, it also necessitates some effort, and it is easy to make simple mistakes that might negatively affect your content marketing plan.

Despite the fact that the usage of the content as a critical instrument in marketing strategies has grown significantly, B2B organizations and marketers continue to make SEO blunders that are undermining their content quality and marketing efforts. This blog post will inform you on how to avoid the most common SEO mistakes that are killing your content strategy.

1. Poor Content Strategy

Long, in-depth, informative material that meets the needs of the searcher is favored by Google. The more detailed the content, the more likely it is to satisfy the searcher’s goal or question. This doesn’t imply you should write long just for the purpose of writing long. Make sure, though, that your material is thorough enough to answer searchers’ questions. Determine the main keyword phrase and Google it to see how lengthy the material in the top three SERPs is, and make sure yours is longer, concise, and more in-depth.

2. Neglecting Content Breaks

The average reader’s attention span has shrunk to that of a goldfish in the age of smartphones. The significance of consistently recapturing the reader’s attention throughout an article becomes even more important. Using subheads, lists, and graphics to break up the content will assist keep readers on the page and get noticed by search engines.

3. Spelling Mistakes In The Content

While misspellings are not utilized as a direct indicator in Google’s rating variables, reputable sites tend to spell better than sites with low page rank. While misspellings are unlikely to harm your rating, they can harm your credibility with readers and reduce your chances of being linked to. So, make sure that you are re-checking your article several times in order to avoid such errors.

4. Avoiding Optimization

Every piece of content should be optimized for both search engines and readers, similar to the latter. You can and should optimize the meta-information for your content in the same way that you do for your website. Make sure each piece of content has its own meta title and description. The same may be said for image optimization and CTA use. This will boost your SERP exposure and social media shareability.

5. Not Promoting Your Content

Even if your content is superior to everyone else’s, it won’t go viral or rank first in the SERPs right away. A strong white hat SEO strategy takes time, even though it’s a more cost-effective approach to advertising your content. Marketers can no longer afford to ignore any sort of owned, sponsored, or earned media in their plans. When you combine the three, you’ll be able to attract, convert, nurture, and close more leads. Focus on your entire marketing goals to figure out what blend works best for you.

The Bottom Line

By applying scalable SEO tactics in the implementation of your content marketing strategy will help you prevent making minor mistakes. Also, if you do not want to harm your content marketing approach, make sure that you are keeping the above-mentioned points in your mind. You may reduce marketing expenditures and improve the results of your content marketing efforts by appropriately implementing these tactics. And, don’t forget, you can improve your content marketing, make your website and blog more effective, and attract as much traffic as you want with the appropriate tools in your hands.

Want to get in touch with a top content marketing agency? Hire Propel Guru, a strategically driven digital marketing agency that offers creative content services to help you stay ahead of your competition.

Ajay Dubedi

CEO & Founder

15+ years leading business operations and client management in the segments of digital marketing and CRM. Driven by test-driven development paradigms, and exceedingly collaborative across all disciplines (from stakeholders to product to design to development to users – and back again).

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